Okay so today was the first day of school. All went well with my classes and everything was fine. So Erica, my roommate, and I decided we should go get groceries. So we got in my car and drove to one of the Salem Wal-Mart's and got groceries. This grocery trip took about 3 hours. I think that is the longest I have ever spent in Wal-Mart looking for groceries and hygiene items. But it was a well needed trip so I didn't think too much about it, until we both had full carts going out to my car and we had a fun time stuffing my car full of groceries.
The drive home was fine. Once we got home we had the enormous task of taking everything inside, which took many trips. Before we actually started lugging in the groceries we heard a cat meowing somewhere outside. Mind you it's really cold out so we think that it's just complaining about the cold so we go on with our business. After a couple trips I decide I can't take it anymore this cat sounds pitiful and I venture out with Erica at my heals to find it.
What we found was a cat who was laying in the parking lot next to the apartment, crying. When we approached the cat it instantly wanted us to come closer and kept meowing at us. Unfortunately it was in no shape to move. Both of its back legs weren't working, probably broken, and it tried to move toward us and cried for our help. So being the Good Samaritans we are I stayed out with the cat and called my friend Eric while Erica went to get a phone book. Finally we just had to go into the house and find the numbers to call the emergency clinics and vets in the area to figure out what we could do. We wanted to help it but we couldn't risk making our cats sick by bringing it in the house so we had to figure out a way for someone to come and get it or for us to take it somewhere.
Finally, we get ahold of the Dallas Vet Clinic and the vet tells us that the only thing to do is bring it to him and put the poor thing out to save it from suffering. Well, even though this is not the response I wanted to hear I decided that maybe it would be best and maybe the vet could help it anyway.
This is where the weird part happens. So we gather the carrier and some towels and go outside to get the the cat and take it to the vet.
It isn't where we left it.
We looked in the parking lot.
Under cars, trees and everything around.
Still no cat.
We also didn't hear any meowing or crying. Everything was silent. Where did this cat go!!!!????
So I called the vet and told him the cat vanished and he thanked us for trying. So we went into the house and decided that while we were trying to find numbers and figure out what to do, someone else must have come and took the cat away and helped it. That's the story I'm believing!
So I still have no idea were the cat is but I hope that it's with some people who are helping it.
So the sad part about this story is that the cat we found looks just like Leo, my tiger kitty. So I do really hope that the cat got rescued by other Good Samaritans.